Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPTin the Healthcare World

Over the past few months, artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines, especially following the release of ChatGPT, an “artificial-intelligence chatbot” that includes “a natural language processing model developed by Open AI” (Hao & Marr, 2023). Since its release in November 2022, ChatGPT has been used by individuals across various industries to aid with the creation of content such as copywriting and blogs. Its conversation-like approach to receiving and providing information to the user allows for instantaneous results that answer a specific prompt or action.

How ChatGPT and AI Are Being Used in Healthcare

The use of artificial intelligence isn’t new; in fact, it’s been used on the web as early as the late 90s and early 2000s (Press, 2016). AI is being used for virtual chat experiences, analytics, manufacturing, and production – but how is it being used specifically in the world of healthcare (Brown, 2019)? Let’s take a look.

Virtual Assistants in Online Chats

Patients who prefer to receive treatment or advice through virtual visits or online chats may encounter AI bots who are programmed to answer pre-determined questions. Healthcare providers and companies, such as hospitals, may choose to implement the help of AI and ChatGPT programs to help with scheduling appointments, manage records and other medical information and records, and assist the client with requesting and receiving telehealth treatment (Marr, 2023). 

Medical Notes and Recordkeeping

Healthcare providers who are required to summarize patient visits may find that the help of an AI bot to help with dictation and streamlining critical patient information is a convenient and helpful way to do so (Marr, 2023). Additionally, AI has played a role in allowing medical equipment and programs to assist with diagnoses, analysis, predictions, and monitoring of different health conditions (Brown, 2019).

Symptom Checking Tools and Health Support

Tools such as the Mayo Clinic and WebMD symptom checkers are a great and convenient way for individuals to input their symptoms and learn about what they’re possibly experiencing and whether it is recommended to see a healthcare provider (Marr, 2023). Mental health screening tools are also accessible online, which is a great starting point for those who are contemplating taking the first step and seeking mental health treatment.

The Advantages of Implementing AI/ChatGPT Into Healthcare Work

With the many methods of incorporating AI into healthcare work, many have growing excitement and hope over these implementations. Using AI in the workplace has been shown to reduce costs by eliminating physical resources and the need for human employees (Thomas, 2022). The availability of online chats also allow for patients to acquire more immediate responses from the convenience of their own home, “improving patient satisfaction” and workplace efficiency (Thomas, 2022).

One of the many fears associated with artificial intelligence and ChatGPT is that it will eliminate jobs and eventually replace professionals in the workforce. However, it’s important to remember that those who are trained in their profession are unlikely to be replaced or ‘out-smarted,’ as artificial intelligence relies on our professional research and expertise to continue to provide the services it does with its level of accuracy.

Are There Downsides to AI and Healthcare?

While artificial intelligence, and the release of ChatGPT, have been praised for its convenience, accuracy, and articulation, concerns surrounding its use have been growing, with some believing it may not be as valuable as we believe.

One of the largest concerns are centered around reliability, with ChatGPT stating on its own site: “ChatGPT sometimes writes plausible-sounding but incorrect or nonsensical answers” (OpenAI, n.d.). Another concern includes privacy of data with its access to large quantities of personal health information (Baumgartner, 2023). Healthcare providers are also questioning ChatGPT’s bias, recognizing that ChatGPT is only as reliable and aware as the “data it was trained on” (Baumgartner, 2023). 

ChatGPT and AI Are Here to Stay

With the ongoing evolution of technology, it’s safe to say that artificial intelligence isn’t going anywhere; in fact, it’ll likely keep progressing and evolving with the rest of technology. Whether you’ve given ChatGPT a try yet or not, there’s no denying it can be a resourceful tool to help with the creation of online content and aid in one’s research; however, it’s important to recognize ChatGPT as a tool, and not a fix-all or a 100% reliable source of information.


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